Articles related to lore in Pacific are stored here. This page is curated by the smart AI PALATINE.
For a chronological order of events in the Pacific world refer to the timeline.
Section I: General
Information about Pacific, design processes, and ideas.
- Designing USS Iowa, Pacific’s Overall Shipgirl Design Philosophies (Published 2/25/16)
- Why do Some Shipgirls Have Moles and Ribbons? (2/16/17)
- What about Different Ships with the Same Names? (Published 2/22/17)
- Designing USS New York (2/26/17)
- Other Artist’s Shipgirls and Pacific (3/6/17)
- Paper Shipgirls, Alternate Dimensions, And what STEC and Others Think (Published 3/18/17)
- Prototype New Jersey (Published 3/28/17)
- Do Shipgirls Have Alternate Outfits?(Published 4/8/17)
- Evolution of Shipgirl Designs in Pacific (Published 4/27/17)
- Hoppou and Other KC Abyssal Characters in Pacific (Published 6/12/17)
- Modern Shipgirls (Published 7/4/17)
- Selecting which Ships to turn into Shipgirls (Published 12/5/17)
- Depicting Different Ideologies in Pacific (Published 7/25/17)
- Pin-up Girls and Pacific: A Commentary (Published 8/26/17)
- How to Assign Unique Personalities to Shipgirls (Published 9/3/17)
- Different Faces of a Shipgirl (Published 10/12/17)
- Some Thematic Notes on the Abyssals, Shipgirls, and Pacific as a Whole (Published 10/19/17)
- Thematic Notes on Shipgirls and Abyssals (Published 10/19/17)
- Designing Paper Shipgirls (Published 11/10/17)
- How to Design a Shipgirl (Published 11/17/17)
- Works that Inspire Us (Published 11/21/17)
- Designing the Abyssals (Published 1/18/18)
- PAMPANITO, Submarine Medicine, and Character Design (Published 1/12/18)
- Depicting Fairies in Pacific, Commentary on Design (5/4/18)
- The Fourth of July, America, and What it All Means (7/3/19)
Section II: Shipgirls
Articles on Shipgirls.
- On Subgirls Riding Torpedoes into Battle (Published 2/23/17)
- Role of Cruiser Girls (Published 2/27/17)
- Are Shipgirls Good Cooks? (Published 3/27/17)
- Matters of “Love, Copulation and Marriage” (Published 4/4/17)
- Subgirl Equipment, Anime in Pacific, and USS Arizona (Published 5/1/17)
- Do Shipgirls get Cold? (Published 5/24/17)
- “An Assessment of Shipgirl Clothing Durability” by Dr. Andrea L. Lawrence. (Published 4/9/17)
- Could Conventional Forces fight Abyssals if the Shipgirls Fail? (Published 4/29/17)
- Why do some Shipgirls Wear Glasses? (Published 6/25/17)
- Difference Between Mid-20th Century Naval Combat and Shipgirl Combat (Published 7/2/17)
- Shipgirl Powers (Published 8/21/17)
- What do Shipgirls Eat? (Published 10/18/17)
- Shipgirl and Their Advantages Over Conventional Forces (Published 12/13/17)
- Relative Shipgirl Strength (Published 1/5/18)
- The Working Environment of a STEC Subgirl (Published 2/13/18)
- Ship vs. Girl, How History Affects a Shipgirl (Published 3/16/18)
- A Journey’s Destination: New Jersey on Herself (Published 9/29/21)
Meet the Shipgirl (Extended Shipgirl Profiles):
- O’Bannon (Published 6/4/15)
- Nevada (Published 8/6/15)
- Edsall (Published 8/17/15)
- Scuplin & Sailfish (Published 9/18/15)
- Pennsylvania (Published 10/22/15)
Shipgirls of STEC
USN Shipgirls
- Tennessee and California Character Tidbits (Published 2/8/17)
- USS New York (Published 2/17/17)
- Do Shipgirls Appear at USO Events? And does Marblehead write Fanfiction? (Published 3/8/17)
- “Badass” Maury and Shipgirl “Martial Arts”(Published 3/14/17)
- What sort of Music does Louisville like? (Published 3/26/17)
- Why is Sailfish a Bit of a Prepper? (Published 4/2/17)
- Supporting Subgirls Operations, Do Subgirls Live Underwater? (Published 4/10/17)
- Carrier Girls in STEC (Published 4/15/17)
- Details on Lori/U-2513 (Published 7/22/17)
- Destroyer Girls in STEC (Published 7/29/17)
- William F. Halsey and USS Enterprise (Published 1/4/18)
- Subgirl Operations, Interview with Admiral Mike Yin (Published 1/14/18)
- USS Essex, The Nature of Man (Published 3/1/18)
- USS Lexington, Queen of the Flattops (Published 3/6/18)
- USS Missouri, The Odd One Out (Published 5/23/18)
- USS San Francisco, Character Design and Inspirations (Published 3/10/18)
- USS Massachusetts and One’s Personal Motivations (Published 10/17/18)
- USS Helena and Maintaining Morale (Published 10/27/18)
- USS Enterprise In Her own Words, Halsey and Why We Believe the Things We Do. (11/9/18)
- A Day in the Life of Tautog (Published 1/5/19)
- Ships Bands and Shipgirls (Published 1/20/19)
- Valentine’s Day on Avalon (Published 2/14/19)
- The Psychological Health of STEC’s Shipgirls (Published 4/21/19)
- Battleships and Bikinis: “Research” by Enterprise (Published 8/1/19)
- (literally) Outfitting Shipgirls or “Why STEC Shipgirls Don’t go Out Wearing Cardboard Boxes” (But Could Still Do so if They Wished) (Published 10/30/20)
- Jer’s Alter Egos? (Published 11/12/20)
- Alternate Equipment Loadouts for Shipgirls? (Published 7/14/22)
Foreign Shipgirls
Additional articles on non-USN shipgirls in Pacific.
- About Foreign Shipgirls who Historically Became Part of the USN and Pam (Published 2/19/17)
- Are IJN Shipgirls more Scantly Clad in Pacific? (Published 3/24/17)
- How will German Subgirls be treated in Pacific? (Published 4/14/17)
- More about IJN Shipgirls in Pacific, Their Designs, and Inspirations (Published 9/19/17)
- British Shipgirl Sketches and Notes (Published 11/3/17)
Articles about fairies in Pacific
- Fairy and Shipgirl “Magic” in Pacific (Published 2/10/17)
- General Fairy Behavior and Unique “Named” Fairies in Pacific (Published 7/21/17)
- Fairies and New Technological Innovation (Published 8/27/17)
- The Bureau of Fairy Management (Published 12/19/17)
- An Example of Fairy Innovation (Published 2/10/18)
- Working with Fairies: General Advice (Published 5/9/19)
- Fairies, Equipment, and Shipgirl Roles in the Abyssal War: A Post War interview with USS Maury (Published 7/10/19)
Articles focusing on discussing shipgirl equipment, weapons, and rigging.
- Shipgirl PDWs, and why Some Shipgirls don’t have Them (Published 2/11/17)
- Fairy Crews, How Shipgirls Operate Their Gear, and can Shipgirls Swap Equipment? (Published 2/13/17)
- Subgirl Equipment, Anime in Pacific, and USS Arizona (Published 5/1/17)
- Cusk’s Radar-Gun and It’s Uses (Published 7/28/17)
- Specialized Subgirl Combat Loadouts (Published 1/22/18)
- Shipgirl Equipment: The Mobile Unit (Published 5/2/18)
- Shipgirl Equipment: Limitations and Upgrades (Published 2/4/19)
- Shipgirl and Abyssal Aircraft (Published 2/25/19)
- How Shipgirl Equipment Differs From An Actual Warship’s (Published 11/4/19)
Section III: The Abyssals
Additional articles on the Abyssal Fleet, the omnicidal antagonists of Pacific
- An Intercepted Abyssal Transmission (Published 2/18/17)
- How Big are Abyssals? And General Abyssal Characteristics (Published 3/10/17)
- Abyssal Doctrine (Published 5/16/17)
- Abyssal Motivations and “Morality” (Published 7/8/17)
- Do Abyssals use Propaganda? (Published 8/19/17)
- The Abyssal Focus on Psychological Warfare (Published 3/19/18)
- Abyssal Unit Design (Published 3/22/18)
- USS New Jersey’s Thoughts on the Coming Abyssal War (Published 3/26/18)
- Abyssal Perspectives: From one defect to another (Published 7/12/18)
- Abyssals, Civilization, and Humanity (Published 1/26/19)
- Abyssal Attitudes Towards Innovation and Adaptation (Published 7/17/19)
- The Abyssal – A Product of Cybernetic Engineering? (Published 11/19/19)
- An Abyssal Limitation (Published 07/25/20)
- Alternate Timelines, Alternate Shipgirls, Implications for the Coming War (7/20/21)
- Towards Civilization’s End (3/30/22)
- Wargaming the Abyssals (6/1/22)
Section IV: The World of Pacific
Articles on nations, organizations, factions, and alternate history of Pacific.
Alternate History
Articles on how history has changed for America and the world in general.
- Why the Abyssal Threat is Kept Secret (Published 2/6/17)
- The UK, US, and USSR, General changes in the Timeline (Published 4/26/17)
- Timeline Changes for America (Published 8/4/17)
- Improvements to US Civil Infrastructure: 84th Congress & Commentary from Dwight D. Eisenhower (Published 8/4/17)
- How Truman and Eisenhower treated the Abyssal Threat (Published 9/29/17)
- The Abyssal Threat as seen by President Truman, Early Contacts with Other World Leaders (Published 10/5/17)
- Preparedness in the Abyssal War: Printed Document Meant for Conventional Forces (Published 11/13/17)
- The Naval Rebuilding Act Of 1978 (Published 1/7/18)
- NATO in Pacific: Personal Communications of Dwight D. Eisenhower (Published 3/12/18)
- US Food Security in the Event of an Abyssal Invasion (Published 4/9/18)
- Lyndon B. Johnson and the Vietnam War: Transcript of Conversation with New Jersey (Published 7/2/18)
- The Wreck of the USS Boxer (Published 8/8/18)
- Cultural Shifts & Differences in the Pacific World (Published 9/17/18)
- Archival Scan of “The General”, Anti-Eisenhower Publication, 1958 (Published 4/11/19)
- Magical Girl Angela Edsall, “Japanimation” in Pacific (Published 5/21/19)
- The Pacific Conference (Published 5/21/21)
- A Post Abyssal Future (Published 4/15/22)
- Profiteering in the Abyssal War (Published 5/1/22)
Special Task and Evaluation Command (STEC)
Articles on STEC, it’s operation, and personnel.
- Avalon: STEC’s Floating Island Base. And, Are Lost Subgirls labeled MIA or KIA? (Published 2/7/17)
- How Self-Sufficient is STEC when Conducting Operations? Does STEC have Other Facilities Besides Avalon? (Published 3/2/17)
- How much does it Cost the Navy to run STEC? (Published 3/29/17)
- What it Takes to Join STEC (Published 6/21/17)
- Why is Avalon a Mobile Floating Island, and on the Qualifications of STEC Staff (Published 7/1/17)
- Mike Yin’s Early Days at STEC (Published 14/44/2018)
- Openness and Honesty in Communications, Proposals by Marblehead (Published 29/4/2018)
- STEC and the Control and Refinement of Tactical Information (Published 7/17/2019)
- Mike Yin’s Commentary on his Role in STEC, the Bureaucracy of STEC, and the Power of Delegation (Published 8/18/2019)
- Information Control (Published 1/29/2020)
- A Brief Overview of STEC’s Approach to Mental Health (Published 2/17/2020)
- Contingency Planning and Civilian Response During the Abyssal War (Published 3/5/2020)
- STEC, National Mobilization during the Abyssal War, and the Preservation of Normalcy (Published 3/28/2020)
- STEC’s Industry, Information on how STEC makes it’s Equipment (Published 6/12/2020)
- On Matters of Morale and Hopelessness: Abyssal Demoralization and it’s Countermeasures (Published 6/29/2020)
- Application of MERLIN (Published 7/11/2020)
- Prospective Warning Systems: Q&As with Government Representatives (Published 8/10/2020)
- Experimental Weapon Testing (Published 8/27/2020)
- Ethics of Intervention (Published 9/11/2020)
- Abyssal War Preparations: Civilian Oil Reserves (Published 9/27/2020)
- MERLIN: STEC’s “Artificial” Intelligence (Published 9/27/2020)
- Marblehead Media: The Bright Futures Aviation Challenge (Published 2/3/2021)
- The Burden of Genius (Published 4/21/2021)
- Civil Liberties During Alien Invasion (Published 5/6/2021)
- “A little bird once told me that”: Shipgirl Trivia (Published 6/5/2021)
- A Letter from Mike (Published 6/19/2021)
- A Shipgirl’s Guide to Answering Press Questions (Published 8/16/2021)
- What’s Expected of a STEC Commander (Published 8/31/2021)
- Etiquette and Blending In for Shipgirls (Published 9/14/2021)
- “Fish Fraud”: An Example of STEC Technology (Published 10/15/2021)
- Breaking the 1945 Barrier (Published 11/16/2021)
- The Christening and Deployment of STEC Base Eden (Published 1/15/2022)
- Long-Term Investment: Different Strategies for Dealing with the Abyssal Threat (Published 2/1/2022)
- Lend Lease & the Abyssal War (Published 2/15/2022)
- How MERLIN Thinks (Published 3/1/2022)
- Contingency Plans for Civilian Management in the Abyssal War (Published 3/15/2022)
- Marblehead Media: Conference of the Seven Seas (Published 5/15/2022)
- STEC in a Policy Making Role? (Published 6/15/2022)\
- Experiments and Considerations in the Arctic (Published 7/31/2022)
The STEC Archives
Historical Artifacts and Exhibits from the Abyssal War
- Real Life Historical Equipment (Published 5/30/2020)
- A Letter to Mike (Published 10/12/2020)
- Different Counter-Abyssal Doctrines (Published 8/1/2021)
Other Nations
Articles focusing on the states of other nations in this alternate timeline, how they are responding to the Abyssal threat, and the politics that come with defending humanity.
- Foreign Officers in STEC (Published 2/4/17)
- International Collaboration, Is the Cold War Still Going On? (Published 4/20/17)
- The Vladivostok Conference 1990 (Published 2711/17)
- Overview of Japan’s National Shipgirl Service, the Nihon Kaigun Tokusentai (NKT) (Published 3/4/18)
- Why is Japan the Way it is in Pacific? (Published 3/10/17)
- NKT Doctrine (Published 3/13/17)
- Japanese Culture and how it Affects Their Views on Shipgirls (Published 3/20/17)
- Food Security, Economic Development, and Japanese Ambitions in Pacific (Published 4/22/17)
- The Ishida Institute incident, Communications with New Jersey (Published 1/25/18)
- The Chrysanthemum Throne of Pacific (Published 5/4/19)
- Japan’s Struggle for Meaning: Letters from Yamashiro (Published 10/20/19)
- The New National Shinto (Published 2/19/21)
- Japan’s Domestic Affairs: Incidents During the Construction of Narita Airport (Published 3/21/21)
- Diverging Sun (Published 7/3/21)
- The USSR in Pacific, Changes in the Cold War (Published 2/5/17)
- Early Soviet Attempts to Prepare for the Abyssals: 1974 (Published 3/22/17)
- USSR State Defense Committee Memo on the Defensive Measures of the USSR (Published 1/27/18)
- Soviet Perspectives on the United States: Tashkent (Published 9/26/18)
- Soviet Economics 101 (Published 6/3/19)
United Kingdom
- An Overview of the UK in Pacific and the Role of RN-STEC in the 1977 Incident (Published 5/30/17)
- Visions from Another World? Recollections of New Jersey (Published 4/19/18)
- The Submarine Surcouf and An Overview of Pacific’s France (Published 2/4/18)