STEC Archives, Print Document Division
Curator signature: Jer
Format: Print Media – DECLASSIFIED under [REDACTED], [REDACTED]
Special Documents Division – [REDACTED]
Time (if known): [Classified]
Editor’s Note:
While not a major focus of any of the world’s anti-Abyssal forces for the greater portion of their existence, it is a bit careless to suggest that active plans were not in development for the world that comes after the Abyssal War – if indeed, a world would still exist after.
For our American counterparts, this was a particularly pertinent query. STEC has in its arsenal great technological wonders that – for purposes of human progress – were only deployed once or twice under dire circumstance. Whether or not there ought to be repeated use – or indeed, permanent deployment – is a recurring and regular question, made more relevant given the modern times we live in today.
Whatever our views may be, it is fair to say that almost all of STEC’s technology remain classified to date. Most remain out of reach of civilian governments – including that of the United States proper. It is the opinion of this editor – a shipgirl herself – that this is the correct course of action.
I’ve had different peoples at different points in time in different situations ask me the same question. I found that the most effective thing for me to do is to simply ask them about what they’d like to drink.
People assume that my powers are limited to mental influence. What they don’t know is I could also make it appear that I can create matter out of thin air *snickering*~
It helps. It’s a story. Let me explain.
Some people think life is a destination. Others think life is an experience. Whatever your opinion on it might be, though, I think the consumption of something edible is definitely more on the experience side.
Different people feel different things when they run into deliciousness. Some savor every bite of it – I know some who habitually leave a little uneaten or undrunk, as a symbol of the experience they’ve had. Others feel wistful at the fact that they’ll never have the same experience again. Still others chase after it – in pursuit of the next thrill.
And that is my analogy, when it comes to our relations with the world – after our role is fulfilled.
Some of the girls are a lot more optimistic. I am a little, hmm, more world-weary, shall we say. It is for this reason that I think I was one of the key proponents of STEC’s non-interventionalist policies.
Everything else aside, much like that drink I conjured out of thin air, we shipgirls are as anomalous as the Abyssals themselves. We also appeared out of nowhere. We also have an array of remarkable powers. In a strange way, I wonder just what our purpose is – or even if we truly are the “Defenders of Civilization” as we think we are.
That is a quibble for another time. On topic.
I feel like our relation to the world is like that drink I magically poured for the listener. Assuming we triumph over the Abyssals, what then?
… How certain are we that the powers that invoked us here won’t un-invoke us, after our purpose is achieved?
Better question. After the Abyssals are gone, do we really even need shipgirls such as myself?
Does the world benefit from having us around?
Some describe a brilliant future, where we help humanity reach the stars and spread civilization across the galaxy. That is indeed, a brilliant one. But is it possible to have a different future – one where humanity shines of their own accord, without any supernatural assistance on our parts?
I ought to be one of the most qualified answerers of this question, and it is remarkable and humbling to me that every time, I ask and see no clarity – no clear way, definitive way, of answering this in the yes or in the wrong.
So I think in light of that, it is more sensible for me to prepare our efforts in anticipation of that alternative. We shipgirls are like that mysterious vintage that I conjured up. Delicious, yes. Extraordinary, yes. But ultimately, the bottle will either run dry, or out of concern for your health, I shouldn’t let you drink another.
Spoilers. I don’t offer this scenario or proposition to people who drink regularly. Only to those who do not.
Because of that, I am always able to ask the question: so do you intend to make a habit of this, then?
The answer, much like our legacy in the world, is self-explanatory. Until such time comes where we have a clear idea as to just where or how we came from, I think it is a fine idea to prepare for a world without us in it.
I’m glad to have been a part of this world – glad to have met you at last.