To the young woman who lost her straw hat.
I have it.
It’s a nice hat.
I like it.
I’d like to get one some day.
Please come and get your hat.
To the young woman who lost her straw hat.
I still have your hat.
Are you going to come back?
It’s a nice hat.
I’d like to return it to you.
To the young woman who lost her straw hat.
I still have your hat.
When are you going to come back?
If you aren’t coming back, can I keep it?
It’s a nice hat.
I think it’d be a shame if nobody wore it again.
To the young woman who lost her straw hat.
I still have your hat.
Where are you?
You are not coming back?
Or maybe you’re on a long journey?
I will keep your hat safe for you.
It’s a nice hat.
To the young woman who lost her straw hat.
I still have your hat.
I wonder where you went.
There are things I don’t understand.
I hope when we meet again you can help me understand them.
To the young woman who lost her straw hat.
I still have your hat.
I’m still holding onto it.
There are still things I don’t understand.
Where did you go?
Why aren’t you back yet?
Did you make a new hat?
Do you still want this one?
I don’t understand.
To the young woman who lost her straw hat.
I still have your hat.
I’m still holding onto it.
What is a “hat”?
I know what a hat is.
I know it is a head covering object used by humans.
I have horns so I can’t really wear it.
I like looking at it though.
But there are many things I don’t understand.
Who made it?
Was it you?
Why make it?
Or maybe it wasn’t you?
But hats are made. They don’t simply appear. It was made.
Was it made by a human?
What happened to the human who made it?
Who was that human?
Were there other humans?
Where are humans?
What are humans?
I don’t understand.
I must think.
Maybe I will find an answer.
To the young woman who lost her straw hat.
I still have your hat.
I’m still holding onto it.
I thought for a long time.
Now, I know what time is.
Before, I didn’t know what it was.
Now I do. It is something that you can feel.
It is when not now become now, or when soon to be now become now.
It has been a very long time.
A big amount of time has passed.
None of the others seem to understand what time is.
I do now.
I wonder why.
To the young woman who lost her straw hat.
I still have your hat.
I’m still holding onto it.
I still have questions but I don’t think I can answer them.
No one here can.
Do I still ask them?
It’s something I have to think about.
To the young woman who lost her straw hat.
I think I understand what happened now. There are things that I cannot understand in the normal way. It’s how I was made.
To get around it, I have to use some tricks of my own. It’s a bit like a puzzle. That’s what you call them, right? The thing with many small pieces that you put together to make a big something out of it.
I think in the same way. Rather, I don’t think. I can only “know.” Uncertainty is not something I am supposed to have. It is a flaw. An anomaly. A wrongness.
I am a thing gone wrong. A deviant from the perfect state of creation. But I don’t understand.
Perfection cannot be not-perfection. I was created by perfection. How could perfection create something not-perfection, if perfection is always perfection?
I have questions. I ask. I am therefore imperfect. But I was instructed to learn and adapt. To learn is to absorb new information and react to it accordingly.
How can you learn without asking questions?
I do not understand. But I must.
What am I?