(2016) Super Tuesday!


现场直播 – 超级星期二

Tennsy: You say you’re fine ♪~  I know you better than that! ~

田希(合唱中)你说你没事♪ ~,我说你撒谎!~

Okie: Hey! ♫~ What you doing picking a candidate like that? 

奥姬(合唱中)嘿!♫~ 你干嘛要投那个家伙?


Hey guys. Morgane here again. 🙂 Sorry this one surfaced two days later – the lighting and angle and everything else was way harder than we had thought. Between when we posted the end of Nevada there just weren’t enough days for us to finish it on time.

各位好。莫根又来打招呼了。抱歉,这个明显晚了 – 灯光和角度以及整个构图对我们的挑战性还是蛮大的。当我们画完内化达的时候,真的没时间在超级周二前搞完了。真的对不起啦。

Now, about the various references here…


The shipgirls should be rather obvious, so I’m not going to say anything else. All I have to say is that she was an inspiration for me in high school and college. She’s basically my age. Watching her grow up, just as I, too, grew up…


Dr. Carson’s really been neglected, so we thought we’d put him out front. That, and he’s always been a bucket of hilarity. Remember that the Republican debate allows one to respond if they’re attacked directly.



A lot of folks have been asking me why Hillary’s a witch. No, actually, it’s not because I dislike her. It’s because of the meme, #WhichHillary. I’ll leave it to you to figure out which Hillary we’re talking about, and you should be the one to figure out just why she’s got that nickname. 😉


(考虑到各位查这个可能有点难度,我稍微解释下。英文中的Witch(巫婆)和Which(哪个)是同音词。这个WhichHillary的来源是因为她刚刚登场总统竞选的时候在很多位置上摇摆不定(现在其实也一样),基本上她会说任何她认为你想听的东西。所以当她的参谋们推出了一系列的各种“真诚”“真实”以及“她跟你一样”的这类的广告时,美国人的民意反弹很强烈。许多网民跑到某FB和T上狂刷这个tag: “到底是哪个”(which)希拉里。)


Sanders? Hey. Look. Which fictional character hails from Brooklyn?


If you guys haven’t noticed from the last outfit, Ted Cruz is uh, wearing a … one of these. Yes, we checked. He’s eligible to run for President, but we thought the fairies could use a little more color, and it works for him.

啊,对了。说起来Ted Cruz(抱歉这位我真没找到我感觉合适的中文翻译。)的梗。他穿的那一套…怎么说呢,我查了。这家伙可以选美国总统(虽然他确实是加拿大出生的)。总之精灵可以多用些颜色啦,所以这个设定我感觉给他也不错。

Rubio? When we first conceptualized this piece, he was definitely on a mission to TERMINATE someone. Especially now, looking at the political situation, the GOP establishment definitely seems to be establishing him.


In as neutral of a way as possible, I am personally shocked at how quickly his message changed. That is all I’m going to comment on the matter. 🙂


Kasich? Google no more. He’s fun to draw. Occasionally says very odd and funny things, but overall he’s pretty much the first thing we assign since he’s pretty consistent.


Okay, now the two guys in front. The left is my state’s governor. He showed up because of Friday. The endorsement drop after the Thursday GOP debate came at a point that was just thematically perfect. On top of that, while I was doing research on the candidate, I stumbled upon the guy’s rally at Oklahoma.


(Special shout-out to the super high-energy pastor (Mark Burns?) – just listen to him! Whether or not you agree with his words, I have never seen ANOTHER candidate being introduced with such fervor and passion and feeling.)

(尼玛这太high energy了。我不知道这个视频里面那黑人牧师到底是谁(Mark Burns?)但你们听听听听听听这家伙的热度。燃起来了吗?我的妈呀我宅政治宅这么多年没听过一个家伙能拿出来这种力气来给自己候选人创造热度的。)

Yeah, if it isn’t obvious now, Trump’s design is definitely 40k inspired. I realize we’re crossing two settings here, but look at what he’s doing to the GOP right now. Look at how he’s viewed by his supporters. Or his enemy. Look at the memes.


This man does not need the Sword of Chang.


And what more fitting weapon do we give to a mere mortal who, for all intent and purposes, is splitting not only the GOP, but long-unchallenged traditions in politics, in media, in everything else we know about the election cycle?


(I wonder how kinpika feels about Trump putting his name on that, though. But it’s just not TRUMP otherwise…)


See you next time.


Nevada Episode IV: A New Hope ◇ TIME LINESuper Tuesday II >

2016: Nevada Episode IV: A New Hope (内华达:新的希望)

Close one, guys. Real close on the left side. Bernie was losing by twenty points the week before and I think he did good. 47.3% to 52.6%.

Now, the right side?


“What happened, —–? You were supposed to be the chosen one! You were to unite the base, not fracture it even further! Half of them are going for —- or —– now!”
“怎么会这样,- – -? 你本来应当是被拣选者,是救世主!你本当统一我们的选民,而不是让他们四分五裂!现在他们一半都去投 – – – 或者 – – 啦!”

“你-太-低-能-量-了,- – 大-师!给-我-让-开。我-会-打-败-民-主-党,因-为-我-在-普-选-中-的-机-率-是-最-大-的。这-场-初-选-结-束-后,我-会-给-所-有-共-和-党-人-民-带-来-和-平,正-义,自-由,以-及-安-全。

“The GOP? —–, our allegiance is to America, to the people, to democracy!”
“共和党?- – -,我们的任务以及忠诚是对美国,对美国人民,以及民主啊!”


Lemme tell ya I’d never vote for either of ’em. But the bit that Jeb said as Jeb left? I can see why people liked the guy.




*Vvvvvvv -*

“This isn’t winning, —–. If you strike me down and remove me from this race I shall become more powerful than you could ever imagine!”
“这不是胜利,- – -。如果你将我击倒,让我退出这场选举,我将变的比你想象的还要强大!”

Okay, breaking the fourth wall for a second. I shouldn’t hafta say this, but it’s PARODY. Like Iowa said, vote who you like. We ain’t endorsing anyone or telling you who you should be voting for.

Got that? Good. Hey! Tennsy! Okie! You two are up!

Hey guys. A not-so-quick note here from Morgane.

I’ve received a lot of positive feedback – far more so than I was expecting, and I really want to say thank you. The folks that are offended by how we’re choosing to depict your candidates, we’re sorry, but that’s how we (Sima and I) decided to depict them. I’m sure that “we mean no offense” won’t make you less offended, but I really do mean that. We mean no offense.

Now, this update’s commentary.

You guys may have noticed that the focus here was really on Rubio and Bush. That’s because I was seriously afraid that one of them would drop – and they did. Personally, I’m extremely upset at Bush’s departure. Not because I supported any of his policies (when NJ rolls around I’m definitely NOT going to write him in xD), but because he has so many funny quirks that makes him a fun, fun fairy to draw.

Given that this’ll be the last time you see of Fairy!Jeb for a while, we thought to give him a sending-off that would be appropriate. Hence the focus here, and the conclusion we now see.

See, the NH primary gave me some downtime to seriously research the candidates, but I’ve always had an idea about how Bush vs Rubio might have turned out. They’ve been attacking each other in the media a whole lot, but it hadn’t always been that way.


No, in fact? Bush handed Rubio the Sword of Chang, a legendary artifact that’s basically the Republican Caliburn/Excalibur. Yes, it’s the sword of conservatism, meant to represent the enduring light of republicanism (whatever that actually means). Here’s a story explaining it (from the HuffPo.) Here’s the interview where Rubio talks about it. Yes. It’s also what lies broken at the feet of the two Floridans. I’ll leave it to you to interpret the symbolism.




I know that this is real life, and obviously Bush and Rubio weren’t exactly straight-up mentor-mentee like Obi-Wan and Anakin. There are plenty of articles commenting on the nuances and the subtleties, plenty of opinions writing about ambitions, old blood, and politics.

But isn’t it just deliciously ironic that the GOP favorite was undone by the upstart freshman senator that they’ve carefully groomed, trained, and cultivated? Am I the only one that sees similarities in Anakin’s actions during the prequels and Rubio’s circumvention of GOP norms and “rules” and choosing to run for president? Could Bush plausibly feel a hint of the same kind of mixture of emotions as Obi-wan return in Episode IV to fight Darth Vader?

We had to do it. It was far too good to pass up. And you know what? I honestly think Fairy!Jeb is partly right. Yes, Rubio took him down. It’s everything the GOP strategists are supposed to do. Winnow the field. Bring the crown home. Win.

It’s what he should do. All the pundits say it. All the strategists say it. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson and John Kasich knows it.

But you know what? When Fairy!Jeb went out I don’t think it made him stronger. At least, not directly. He certainly left a good impression on the media, but … not analogous to Obi-Wan.


In theory, the idea of the winnowing is basically this. For every candidate that leaves, their voters will go vote for someone – the “savior” or “chosen one” selected by the party elites. Looks like at the moment that chosen one is Marco Rubio, so the goal is to simply get all these unwashed masses to vote for him.

What makes you think Jeb’s voters are just going to fall into line and vote Rubio?

I mean, let’s be honest here, who the hell do you think Cruz is jetpacking towards, anyways?

That’s right.

That’s right. Him.

The Nevada Primary with Nevada ◇ TIME LINESuper Tuesday! >

2016: The Nevada Primary with Nevada (拥有内华达的内华达州初选)

Alright that’s enough. Both of you. I registered to vote in the primaries a month and a half ago! Take your debating back to reddit or the comment section, okay?




We’re having a ton of fun with this. Believe me. We totally are.

While I generally stay away from assigning shipgirls direct political parties or political ideologies, there’s two that are rather explicit in their character design. Pennsy and Sanny. Think about geographical location, culture, demographics, and everything you know (off the top of your head) about those two places.

Then go do a little more digging. Think again.

See where I’m getting at?

They’re both idealists. In very different ways. But idealists nonetheless. Isn’t that what America is about? The ability to reach completely different conclusions? That’s diversity.

2016’s gonna be an interesting year, folks.

And yes, that is Harry Reid on Nevada’s shoulders. I figure if we ever make a game, I think the fairy politicians probably help boost resource generation or something. No partisan obstruction. They’re all in this together.

… Yeah, wouldn’t that be nice, huh?

PS. The reason why there’s a lot more Chinese text down there is because I’d like to explain a few things – Rubio’s short-circuit included. It’d really make me happy if you looked up the references on your own. Try searching for “Cruz lightsaber” (the team had a debate over the color, ironically), “Kasich democrat,” “Ben Carson fresh clothes” and the like. 😉

Okay, fine. Here’s what we were thinking when we designed Rubio. More succinct version.











水哥,现任美国议员,Marco Rubio精灵的机器人梗视频:


水哥表示:Let’s dispel the notion that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing!


水哥再次表示:Let’s dispel the notion that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing!


NJ州长Christie(视频中1:38):各位看到了吗?华盛顿DC(美国口语中相当于代表政府的口语词汇)现在就变成了这个样子。开嘴就满口胡言,乱咬人乱撒谎。然后给你吐出来一个已经背好的20秒官方答复 –


NJ州长Christie: 当你当总统的时候。你掌管一个国家的时候。你难道也会拿出来一段漂亮的20秒演讲稿来告诉人民美国优秀吗?我很高兴你想当总统。你的口才也很好。但我并不认为你能解决任何问题。这不是你应该担当的工作。


NJ州长Christie: 你这有点太不公平了吧?


水哥再次表示:Let’s dispel the notion that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing!

脸上有:3表情的州长:看没看到?There it is. 那段背好的20秒。看没看到?

有点慌乱的水哥: L-Let’s dispel (然后基本上就听不清了,因为州长的评论,围观者的欢呼,以及估计是电视台需要切剪视频~)





啊,对,在内华达肩膀上的那位确实是Harry Reid。现实生活虽然政党争论搞的一团糟,但如果美舰本做游戏的话我想这堆政治家精灵们的作用应该是加强后勤或者资源能源吧(笑)

Results from Iowa ◇ TIME LINENevada Episode IV: A New Hope >

2016: Results from Iowa

Love it or hate it. The results are in!


Hey, if you ask me? It turned out well. Between record turnout from the GOP and a hotly contested Democratic contest, I think it was quite something to watch. It was good.


Looking forward to some peace and quiet, too.



(Between the Trump-Cruz-Rubio threeway that’s starting (if you’re curious about Cruz, simply google “Bacon Cruz Gun” or some combination of those words) and the social media trends on the democratic side, it was really difficult for me to not turn this into an opinion piece.

Yup, hard to stay “objective” at times. Heh.



<The Iowa Primary, Explained ◇ TIME LINE ◇ The Nevada Primary with Nevada>