STEC Archives, Print Document Division
Curator signature: [Classified]
Format: Photograph, personal
Object: Personal photograph identified as belonging to Iowa, Object #[Classified]
Location (if known): [Classified]
Time (if known): [Classified]
Mo, got your note, thanks a whole lot. It sure has made me feel a lot better about what we’ve got to do, and what we ought to do next. Don’t be sorry about how the photo turned out, since you know, that’s just me. I’m no good at smiling.
Do you remember that? Last Christmas, the dresses you got for all four of us? I really like it. “The four seasons.” Haven’t had a chance to wear it yet, you know, but I bet it’ll look real nice if I ever find the right occasion for it. Now, I know Jer’s argued plenty about symbolism and color-coordination and personality and whatnots, but I thought you did good with the colors and the ideas. Jer’s Jer. You know her. She’ll stand and argue for her point ’til the cows literally come home. But she means well all the same, too. I saw her hang that rather proudly in her spring wardrobe. “Seasonally appropriate.”
Hey, next time we’re all here, we’ll ought to get another one. I bet Wisky’d love taking one, and I betcha we’ll get a good shot of Louie next time. It’ll come out real nice, I promise.
Thinking of you & with lots of love,