Well, Raleigh really is something, isn’t she?
Even when she’s like that, she still tries her hardest. Poor girl tired herself out, and I’m probably going to have to scold her a bit for it, but I’m proud of her. She smiles through everything no matter what. I kinda want a nap, but seeing that smile is all I need to keep going if the day’s tough.
Oh, life’s been going fine so far. I’ve taught Shaw to handle most of the simple cuts and scrapes that happen, so that lightened my workload considerably. Shaw’s always been my little angel. She picks up things very quickly, and is eager to try them out. I think it’s only a matter of time before she’s able to run things all by herself. Wonder what I’ll do then. Maybe I’ll finally get to lie around the pool and actually lifeguard, heh…
My requisition for more medical supplies just went through, so I’ll get to reorganize all of my stuff when that finally delivers. I’ve actually been putting it off, so this’ll be good. It’s important to make sure we have adequate supplies of the things we need, AND of the things we might need. You’d be surprised to hear how fast we can run through stock…
Oh, and tell O’bannon that I know she’s been in the supply room. It’s annoying to find stuff tampered with all the time. Confuses Shaw to no end too when she decides to look around in there.
Don’t worry, I haven’t been slacking off on my fighting skills either! Dolphin’s been kicking the rust off of my TDC skills, and I still go to practice daily like all the other subgirls. I ended up with a 80% hit rate yesterday. Not bad for a medic, right? Now if only I could catch up with Narwhal’s record…
Maybe then you’ll send me out more, yea? I wouldn’t mind throwing a few punches myself. 🙂