We’re still alive, but everyone’s been awfully busy. Morgane’s recovered, but she’s gone right back to work, and it’s travel season for about … all the students on the team.
And Zero.
So I’ll be making some announcements in the coming days.
First things first. We’re in the process of switching our NA distributors. I’ll have more information later, so stay tuned. Chances are we’ll probably go back to how we used to do things (you pay for the book, we pay for S&H from Chyyyyna) in the near future, but I’m afraid I can’t say much about it.
Secondly, we’ve got uuh, some opportunities coming up. There may or not be actual cooking involved with the Navy Foods book.
What sort of things would you like to see? What sort of recipes do you think would be neat to do? What sort of things would you be interested in having our readers eat?
(Did you like my ginger cookies?)
Please leave us a note via the usual channels, here, or message Morange –
Morgane! Sorry.
That’s all for now. Coffee?