Lens of History (64): A Post-Abyssal Future

STEC Archives, Print Document Division
Curator signature: Jer
Format:  Print Media – DECLASSIFIED under [REDACTED], [REDACTED]
Special Documents Division – [REDACTED]
Time (if known): [Classified]

Editor’s Note: 

While not a major focus of any of the world’s anti-Abyssal forces for the greater portion of their existence, it is a bit careless to suggest that active plans were not in development for the world that comes after the Abyssal War – if indeed, a world would still exist after.

For our American counterparts, this was a particularly pertinent query. STEC has in its arsenal great technological wonders that – for purposes of human progress – were only deployed once or twice under dire circumstance. Whether or not there ought to be repeated use – or indeed, permanent deployment – is a recurring and regular question, made more relevant given the modern times we live in today.

Whatever our views may be, it is fair to say that almost all of STEC’s technology remain classified to date. Most remain out of reach of civilian governments – including that of the United States proper. It is the opinion of this editor – a shipgirl herself – that this is the correct course of action.

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Lens of History (63): “Waves”

STEC Archives, Print Document Division
Curator signature: Jer
Format: Message, Personal Object, Hand-written
Object: Collection, Personal Correspondences of New Jersey, [ID redacted]
Time (if known): [Classified]

Editor’s Note: Should we mention the fact that shipgirls often don’t need to sleep due to, well, us being superhuman and all?

Skip it for this portion – I didn’t pull that many all-nighters, you know! Jer

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Calculated Probability

This specific record is not anything archive-worthy, as it can be found – in summation – in every copy of my operational manual handed out to Avalon’s mortal inhabitants.

However, I think it’s worth repeating on occasions. It would certainly put minds at ease.

I, MERLIN, to put it into colloquial slang, am not a “numbers” kind of “guy.”

There are many of my colleagues that are frustrated by this point. Maybe you happen to be one of them.

I would like to try again to explain to you why I prefer to do this this way.

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