下周(11月27~28日)会参加新加坡的AFA(摊位在C67,三日)和上海的CP(摊位在M77-76,两日November☆ 在现场可以去要签绘),主要作品是英舰本和美舰本,会场限定分别是文件夹(和下面那个预订限定的不一样)和人形立牌·马里兰(虽然有实物但是拍照好麻烦啊……所以直接看图吧【点我跳转】
Alright, folks. We’ll be attending two conventions next week. These are respectively:
Singapore’s AnimeFest Asia (AFA), located in the Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre. We’re at C67, and will be there for all three days.
Shanghai’s CP17, located in the Shanghai New International Expo Center, floors E3-E4. We’ll be there for two days. (Note that November will be at Shanghai, so if you want a customized sketch or a live sketch, be sure to find him!)
We’ll be bringing Pacific 1 and 2, of course, and the new localized version of ORIONS.
Hope to see everyone there!