(2016) Cheese, please! (奶酪之州威斯康星)

What an interesting situation this has turned out.


First of all, RIP Tay. You will be missed.


Bernie is sweeping the states. From Hawaii to Alaska to Washington, he’s beaten Hillary soundly. Yesterday he won Wisconsin by larger than expected margins, too. The pundits are still saying that he has no chance, though, and I guess New York will show us once and for all just who – Sanders or Clinton – has the support of the people.


Mathematically, Sanders is behind. He’ll need to upend Clinton in big states like New York in order to have a chance to win the nomination. New York’s one of the biggest ones coming up, so it’ll be interesting to see. Plus, there will be a debate. An extra one, that wasn’t part of the schedule originally. I really think this one’ll be worth watching. So hope you’re gonna go see it!


As for the uh, class change? Look no more. We also finally found a different meme for Hillary, so, hey, why not. Here it is.



The Republican side? Hoo boy. Where to begin. First of all turns out chibing politicians are harder than it looks. We ended up having to get a little creative to make some folks identifiable. Cruz is easier to draw now when we have, well, folks with less than obvious physical traits.


First, Cruz won a couple of large victories. Utah he managed to get over 50% of the vote, taking all of the delegates. He also won Wisconsin rather handily, and I believe that he has captured most of the delegates there. The current strategy appears to be deny Trump enough delegates so that he cannot get the nomination on the first ballot, and there’s a lot of ugliness going on there. Lots of politicking, as per usual.


I was commenting to my friend the other day. I personally find it ironic that the GOP establishment has finally rallied around Cruz, but if you knew about Wisconsin – itself being a very politically active state and have a horde of GOP elites (Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Governor Scott Walker, GOP chair Reince Priebus) – I’m honestly not surprised at the result. I think the victory was well-deserved given the status of the state and the fact that Trump has been under nonstop attack by both sides of the media for the last few weeks. Cruz was able to appeal to more people in Wisconsin. That’s a fact.

不过啊,我昨天还跟朋友吐槽呢。共和党的大佬们选择挺克鲁斯蛮奇怪的。不过,威斯康星的结果并不奇怪。这地方政治特别活跃,基本上的大佬(几个不同的共和党的大官 – 包括人民代表大会的首席泡软(你们这个起名起的太萌啦),GOP总主席(图里面克鲁斯旁边的金毛),和威斯康星州州长(顶着奶酪帽子的))都是这里面冒出来的。考虑到特朗普这几个星期就不停的被他们以及州内所有媒体攻击,再加上本地优势的话,我感觉克鲁斯赢这个理所当然。我并不感觉有什么作弊或者问题的。

Oh. Speaking of media. Ted Cruz is (was) currently embroiled in a sex scandal and most major news networks are completely glossing over it. A cursory google search using news show that there’s been virtually nothing over the last week.


Hey, look. I was in high school when John Edwards got nuked back in ’08. I remember basically frantically keeping up with the mess for social studies class, and it ended up destroying the man’s candidacy. From what I can see just on my own, this is way bigger than that. Now, I’m not accusing Cruz of anything. I personally have very little interest in the private sex lives of politicians. However, I find it remarkable that major news networks across the spectrum are overwhelmingly choosing to attack Trump rather than choosing to focus their attention on this. Either the media’s all suddenly decided to care about journalistic integrity, or maybe, just maybe, they’re up to something.



Hey, look. Just let me show you something. This is from an Israeli newspaper, and it basically highlights one of the issues where the White House basically censored “Islamic Terrorism” from the words of a foreign leader.


You can see from that article that there are two perspectives. One side believe that it was a “technical error,” the other side believe that, well, it’s censorship in the name of political correctness. If you know anything about video editing or have common sense, I suspect you could probably tell just by watching the thing about which one is more likely to be correct.


But you see the problem with America? We’re entirely polarized at this point. We’ve reached a point of no return, where people are so convinced that their side is right, that people don’t even try to seriously think about the possibilities of the alternative anymore.


Warning: linkstorm coming.


Look, when people are crying trigger warning and complaining that their lives feel threatened because some college students wrote “Trump 2016” on the sidewalk using chalk? We’ve got a problem and it needs to be addressed. When cultural appropriation mean that people are attacked for choosing certain kinds of hairstyles? I think that’s absurd. It’s a problem and it needs to be addressed. When our media arbitrarily censors, changes, blocks, or otherwise just flat-out bombard people with the things that they want people to see, I think that’s a problem and it needs to be addressed.


(稍微解释下我拿出来的例子,各位。大概是这样。美国这边呢,Atlantic和Daily Beast等给我个人感觉是相对偏中评的。RealClearPolitics也是什么都有。上面链接里面的Huffington Post以及Politico还有Washington Post都是左翼媒体,Federalist, National Review, 以及Breitbart是右翼媒体)

“But Morgane,” you say. “These are all from rightwing talk points. These people are horrible and bigoted and evil and racist and intolerant and (insert a lot of words here).”




So what?


I am confident or arrogant enough to believe that I’ve got a brain and I can read and decide for myself what’s “right” and what’s “wrong.” Equating chalking with hate speech, for instance. That’s just dumb. The last time I checked, this is a free country and people are free to support and express what support they’d like. When “tolerant” folks are trying to shut that down, they’re NOT being tolerant.



This isn’t a debatable position here, folks. This isn’t a liberal or a conservative issue. This is an American one. If you believe you have the right to take away someone else’s freedom of expression, I’m going to fight you every step of the way. I’m not going to shut you down. That’s not right. I’m going to say, that’s stupid, and try to tell people my perspective and why I think I’m right and you’re wrong.


I’m not some high-minded philosophy major who have concrete frameworks of thought. I’m just a medical student with an opinion and internet access. I believe that you cannot take away other people’s rights to expression without people in turn taking your rights to expression. If you shut down a Trump rally, for instance, then there is no moral impetus for anyone else to let you hold your rallies in peace.


Either nobody have rights, in which the world would be a pretty miserable place, or everyone have rights. When you make it so that only some people have rights, you are in effect dictating that nobody has rights because at any time you could become the somebody whose rights are taken away.


I don’t want you to lose your rights. I certainly don’t want to lose mine. That is why I support tolerance, which – by definition – is the ability AND willingness to accept something that you yourself disagree with.


< Florida II: Judgment Day ◇ TIME LINENEW YORK! I’M COMING HOME! >